Jumat, 09 Februari 2018

CRPAO Red Cross and Scout

Holla :)
Hari ini di CRPAOS, kami memiliki kesempatan untuk mengikuti Pramuka serta Merayakan Red Cross Day. Here we do a lot of activities such as making handicrafts and 
also students do drama for entertaint staff and teacher.

Their performance is very cool, I am very entertained and hope all of the students can express themselves through the activities such as those held by CRPAO School .

Jumat, 02 Februari 2018

OPENING CEREMONY at Chiang Rai Rajabhat University

Hallo Readers :)
Jadi ini adalah hari ke-dua berada di Chiang Rai Province di CRRU (Chiang Rai Rajabhat University) saya akan bercerita sedikit mengenai atmosfir di lingkungan terbaru ini, Di tempat ini, kami disambut dengan baik, mereka warga Thailand khususnya orang-orang Chiang Rai sangatlah ramah dengan orang baru. Banyak yang menanyakan darimana kami berasal tentunya dengan bangga menyebut nama Indonesia, sebab kami bukan lagi membawa nama Sulawesi tetapi nama Indonesia dan Rektor selalu mengingatkan bahwa kami harus selalu menjaga nama baik Negara juga Almamater.
Opening Ceremony hari ini dirangkaikan dengan penyambutan seluruh delegasi asal Indonesia dan Phillipines, dilakukan oleh Rektor dan Staff pihak CRRU.

Sebagai Host University Pihak CRRU sangat baik, mereka menerima, menjamu,serta melayani kami dengan sangat baik. Mereka menyiapkan akomodasi, transportasi dan hal-hal yang lain yang kami butuhkan. Tak Lupa mereka memperkenalkan Kampus mereka pada seluruh delegasi dan apa saja yang saya lihat dilingkungan akademis mereka membuat saya terkagum-kagum.

Disini kami mendapatkan nama yang baru dari Rektor CRRU. Saya diberikan nama Gan'da yang artinya kasih sayang. 

                                    (Foto bersama mahasiswa CRRU yang melaksanakan Pensi)
                                                  (Kampus Chiang Rai Rajabhat University)

                                                  (All Delegation from Indonesia&Philipphines)  

Kegiatan Pembukaan pada hari ini sekaligus menentukan tempat kami akan mengajar. Selain para Delegasi, turut hadir kepala-kepala Sekolah yang akan menerima kami nantinya disekolah yang mereka kelola, berada diantara orang-orang ini adalah suatu hal yang mengesankan, sebab banyak orang-orang baru yang saya temui yang merupakan orang-orang terpilih dari universitas mereka masing-masing.
Setelah puas berjalan-jalan di lingkungan CRRU, kami dituntun kembali keruangan IO CRRU untuk rapat sekaligus penentuan lokasi PPL. Saya dan ke empat teman lainnya yaitu Angelica(Philipinnes), Tiaz(Bandung), Tivanni (Padang) and Me (Palu) mendapatkan tugas mengajar di Chiang Rai Provincial Administrative Organization School. 
                                                    (Foto bersama Pimpinan Sekolah CRPAO)

Well Let me introduce you about CRPAO School :)

CRPAO School is a good school, very interesting. All the staff, teachers and students are very friendly. They are kind and polite. For the very first time, entering this school I was amazed by their culture. One example, the students removing shoes when going into the room, the shoes they were stacked very neatly.
This school is very concerned about cleanliness that is why they always become an example for other schools in Chiang Rai, then we do the observations in each class. Learning this school using thingking tool method. This time, we stay at the dorm, that is behind of the CRPAO school. we lived with other students who staying in the dorm. Their daily routine is to go to school, learn and also exercise. The school have excellent sports facilities, ranging from fitness room, mini ball stadium, and swimming pool are available. In this school, English lesson is available in kindergarten and primary with the concept of low cost-high quality supporting the demands of an english education program providing high quality foreign and native speaking english teachers.

CRPAO scool commited to nurture their students. Helping them build the kinds of skills that lead to success both today and in their future, like collaborating well with others, perspective taking, resolving conflicts, taking healthy risks, articulating needs and recognizing others, need, and having confidence. The curriculum focuses heavily on preparing students to communicate in foreign leanguages. This allows them to participate effectively on a global level, while still understanding the importance of loving and actively preserving Thai culture.

Blue Temple and White Temple at Chiang Rai

Edisi Weekend ~~~